Please join us on 22 November 2023 (2.00pm – 3.00pm) for a webinar hosted by The Centre for Legal Leadership that will look at the current challenges facing in-house lawyers.
In recent years, in-house lawyers have navigated an array of financial, political, environmental and pandemic events that impacted their organisations. In responding to these challenges, in-house lawyers have had to reconsider their roles and sometimes alter the ways in which they work. This webinar will examine the extent to which these changes have been temporary, borne of necessity, and those which are likely to become business as usual. It will focus on whether an in-house lawyer’s ethical responsibilities have changed, the scope of their role and the impact of new technology.
The discussion will be led by our speakers, Sonya Branch, General Counsel, Bank of England and Richard Hill, General Counsel for Downstream and Renewables at Shell.