REUTERS | The sun shines in a field as Belgium is undergoing it's dryest April-May period since the end of the 19th century, according to local media, in Diksmuide, Belgium May 28, 2020. REUTERS/Yves Herman
REUTERS | The sun shines in a field as Belgium is undergoing it's dryest April-May period since the end of the 19th century, according to local media, in Diksmuide, Belgium May 28, 2020. REUTERS/Yves Herman

Chris Fowler, Chief Operating Officer of Legal, Governance and Corporate Affairs at Rio Tinto, and Angus Haig, International General Counsel (GC), discussed how to develop yourself and your team in the latest Centre for Legal Leadership webinar. Their conversation touched on the benefits of making a sideways move, how to raise your profile and your brand, the skills and expertise GCs need to exhibit, grabbing opportunities when they arise and the importance of relationship building.

This article highlights the key themes discussed.

REUTERS | Tulips are pictured in a public park in Vienna, Austria, April 21, 2016. REUTERS/Leonhard Foeger

First year signatories of the In House Pro Bono Pledge met in London on 29 January 2025 to discuss progress. During the roundtable meeting, participants provided advice and shared key learnings on their experience of working towards the goals set out in the pledge. These included the importance of senior level buy-in, how to raise the profile of pro bono in your organisation, how to increase engagement levels in your company, identifying pro bono opportunities, the benefits of partnering with panel law firms and the importance of effective tracking of pro bono work.

This article provides more detail on those key learnings.

REUTERS | Michaela Rehle

Consultations on standardising electronic invoicing, further changes to the public offers and admissions to trading regime and to the UK Listing Rules, and a draft of a new version of the government’s new Strategic Steer to the Competition and Markets Authority are among the key developments this month. The Civil Justice Council has also extended its consultation on litigation funding deadline to 3 March 2025. Read more [subscription required].

REUTERS | A man carrying an umbrella walks across the Old Town Square during a rainstorm in Prague, May 30, 2013. REUTERS/David W Cerny

A recent Centre for Legal Leadership webinar discussed the unique role of the in-house lawyer. Natasha Doulia, Associate General Counsel at KPMG LLP, shared her experiences from working in a corporate legal department, while Binnie Goh, General Counsel and Director at the Electoral Commission, provided insights from the public sector. Both speakers agreed on the importance of skills such as adaptability, relationship building and effective communication. However, Binnie emphasised some key differences in the public sector, including broader rule of law considerations and the challenges of operating within tighter budgets.

This article summarises the main points covered by the speakers.


Several recently announced consultations will be of interest to in-house lawyers this month. These include a call for evidence into the admissibility of computer evidence generated by software in criminal proceedings, a consultation on proposals to reduce the threat posed by the criminal infection of computer systems with malicious ‘ransomware’ software, and an inquiry into forced labour in global supply chains. The deadline for responses to the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) consultation on the UK Stewardship Code is 19 February 2025. Read more [subscription required].


Please join us on 5 February 2025 (2.00pm – 3.00pm) for a webinar hosted by The Centre for Legal Leadership on developing yourself and your team.

Career development plays a crucial role in any job, and navigating this path within an in-house environment presents unique challenges. In-house teams are often characterised by a flat organisational structure, limited budgets, specific departmental needs, and small team sizes, all while managing a substantial workload.

This session will explore moving side-wards when upwards is limited, profile raising, secondments into other departments and possibilities with the ‘other hats’ you may already be wearing. It will also look at the differences between management and leadership, and what career satisfaction means.

Join two senior in-house legal leaders, Chris Fowler, Chief Operating Officer of Legal, Governance and Corporate Affairs (LGCA), Rio Tinto and Angus Haig, International General Counsel, who will share their insights and how they have applied their learnings within a team.

REUTERS | Sunflowers cover a field near the Tuscan city of Siena July 1, 2005. Global climate change will bring hotter, drier summers to the Mediterranean and hit two of the region's biggest earners, agriculture and tourism, according to a study released by environmental group World Wildlife Fund on Friday. The study forecast what would happen if the world's average temperature increased by two degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels in the period 2031-2060 - a situation many scientists believe probable due to the greenhouse effect. BLIFE REUTERS/Chris Helgren CLH/CN

We have published an article outlining the main developments that we consider will affect in-house lawyers operating in the UK in 2025 [subscription required].

The article brings together coverage from across our Corporate, Commercial, Competition, Employment, Data protection and Dispute resolution teams, and also highlights key AI, cybersecurity, ESG and sustainability, and climate change issues for in-house lawyers.


Provisions of the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers Act 2024 (DMCCA), including Part 1 (Digital Markets) and Part 2 (Competition), come into force on 1 January 2025. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has published guidance on the new digital markets competition regime and updated other guidance documents to reflect changes introduced by the DMCCA. In-house lawyers should also be aware of several corporate governance developments and the government’s response to the House of Lords Modern Slavery Act 2015 (MSA 2015) Committee report on the impact and effectiveness of the MSA 2015. Read more [subscription required].

REUTERS | Molly Riley

In a recent Centre for Legal Leadership webinar, hosted in conjunction with Thomson Reuters, Will Morris, General Counsel – Corporate at Rolls-Royce plc and Alex Kuczynski, former General Counsel and Executive Director of Corporate Services at the Financial Reporting Council, shared their insights on personal effectiveness. These ranged from acting with honesty and integrity, asking plenty of questions, and being adaptable, to understanding the business, making the most of networking opportunities and asserting yourself.

This article explores the central themes discussed.


REUTERS | Clodagh Kilcoyne

Two consultations that close in early 2025, on the UK Stewardship Code and third party litigation funding, are among the most significant issues this month. Publication of the Data (Use and Access) Bill and new failure to prevent fraud offence guidance, together with several climate change developments are also noteworthy. Read more [subscription required].