REUTERS | Navesh Chitrakar

MOSAIC: the mentee

MOSAIC stands for Mentoring Opportunities Amongst In-house Counsel  and is the global mentoring programme for in-house legal professionals. The third in our series of posts looks at the importance of getting a mentor, why mentoring shouldn’t be reserved for the select few and how to make the most of a mentoring relationship.

The concept of having a mentor is usually reserved for the upper echelons of senior management. Built into MBAs and executive leadership programmes, mentoring is an absolute right of passage and an essential tool in professional development. However, if it’s that important to senior executives and the next generations of leaders, why don’t we start mentoring much earlier? And why is there an even more notable absence of mentoring in the in-house legal profession? Here are a few thoughts that might answer the question.

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REUTERS | Jason Lee

How is your organisation discussing and describing the current climate situation?  Is it a climate change or a climate crisis?  Are you even discussing it at all?  Over the last year there has been a radical shift in public opinion on climate crisis. Extreme weather events, the rise of the school climate strike movement, Extinction Rebellion and yet another devastating David Attenborough television programme – ‘Climate Change – the facts’ have all contributed to this shift.  The facts have not changed, but public opinion has.  It is likely that legislation will swiftly follow – is your company ready for the shift?  How do we take corporate action on such a large and complex issue?

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REUTERS | Amr Abdallah Dalsh

Despite the Parliamentary recess, Brexit still dominates the agenda as the new Prime Minister grapples with his role and sets out his strategy. The deadline of 31 October 2019 is fast approaching, with many analysts indicating that a no deal is now more likely than ever. As such, no deal planning remains the key risk for in-house lawyers in September. Other news of note this month includes the release of a new version of the Incoterms® by the International Chamber of Commerce.

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The In-house blog has published numerous items on aspects of whistleblowing over the past few years, but whistleblowing’s geekier cousin, training, has received less attention.

Training is like rewiring your house when you move in: it costs a lot of money and, when it’s done properly, nobody really notices. It doesn’t generate the headlines that compliance breaches do, but it’s a crucial way of reducing the likelihood of those costly events. Continue reading

REUTERS | Nikola Solic

MOSAIC: the mentor

MOSAIC stands for Mentoring Opportunities Amongst In-house Counsel and is the global mentoring programme for in-house legal professionals. The second in our series of posts looks at how our mentoring matching works, the different types of mentoring relationships, who makes a good mentor, and also provides tips on how to be a good mentor.

How our mentoring matching works

The decision to move to smart technology to match legal professionals was a game-changer for MOSAIC as the programme is no longer limited by human capability. Time, resource, geography, knowledge and familiarity of other jurisdictional challenges are no longer constraints and in-house legal professionals all over the globe can connect with each other.

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REUTERS | Lucy Nicholson

On 3 July 2019, the UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published its updated guidance on the rules that apply to the use of cookies and other similar technologies (see Legal update, ICO publishes new cookies guidance). The ICO has also changed the cookie control mechanism on its own website to mirror the changes in the new guidance.

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REUTERS | Amit Dave

I am delighted to announce the launch of our new Practical Law In-house Privacy and Cybersecurity Community, a space where in-house counsel can come together to support and learn from each other through Practical Law.

Practical Law subscribers can access the Practical Law UK Community by following the “Community” button in the banner at the top right of the Practical Law page. After the simple sign-up process, including setting up your profile, you will be able to enter the Practical Law UK Community where you can find the In-house Privacy and Cybersecurity Community. By “following” this group, you become a member and can start participating. Take a look at our guidance to help get you started with some of the features and my top tips on Community netiquette set out below. Continue reading

REUTERS | Jorge Adorno

Nearly one in three employees have witnessed some form of misconduct in the past year, but nearly half did not speak up or report it, according to the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE) European Ethics at Work survey.

The freedom to raise concerns is a core component of a supportive ethical culture where employees are confident they will be supported to ‘do the right thing’. Yet, despite increasing encouragement from organisations, employees still remain reticent. The reasons they give in the IBE survey range from a belief that nothing would be done (28%); feeling that they might jeopardise their job (27%) or a belief that it was none of their business (23%).

Speaking up is often an experience that provokes a mix of emotions; it can be complex and feel daunting, which is why the IBE has developed its IBE Speak Up Toolkit, to empower employees by demystifying the process and managing expectations.

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REUTERS | Molly Riley

At LawCare, the charity offering emotional support to legal professionals, we have listened to thousands of people tell us about the stress, anxiety and depression that they are experiencing, which is often caused or exacerbated by a difficult working environment. Lack of support or supervision, an overly critical manager, being undermined after a career break, an unreasonably heavy workload, long hours and sleep deprivation are all common issues we hear about.

Organisations need to do their best to create a healthy and happy place to work, not only because it is the right thing to do, but because there is a strong proven business case for it. Happy employees lead to greater productivity, better morale, better retention of valued and experienced staff, and reduced sickness absence.

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