Several Brexit-related Bills continued their passage through Parliament during January, including the European Union (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19, the Trade Bill 2017-2019 and the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill. Near the end of the month, the General Council (Article 50) adopted a Council Decision and supplementary negotiating directives for the Brexit negotiations, which set out the EU 27’s negotiating position on a transition period.

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REUTERS | Kacper Pempel

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not new. Cognitive scientist John McCarthy coined the term in his 1955 proposal for the 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference, which gave birth to the field of AI.

In recent years, however, vast improvements in computing power and heavy investments by giant technology companies have brought about a revolution in AI which is rapidly gaining pace, creating a challenging new landscape for brand owners and the legislation they rely upon for protection.

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REUTERS | Global Creative Services (no copyright)

Described by some as the “new oil” for the digital economy, there is no doubt that data are now seen as critical for organisations to succeed. Data affect all businesses and industries, and dealing with data is an issue for the whole business as it affects every team within an organisation. Continue reading


Key items on the agenda for businesses this month include the expected publication of secondary legislation on corporate governance reform and the deadline for responses to the FRC consultation on proposed revisions to the UK Corporate Governance Code.

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CLOC EMEA Institute held its first London conference on 23 January 2018.

Since its formation in the US in 2009, CLOC has grown exponentially: see Blog post, The emerging disruptor: the legal operations team. Its forthcoming headline event in Las Vegas is expected to be attended by 2,500 people visiting 90 curated sessions.

Last week’s UK event was likewise action-packed, with sessions focusing on how attendees have applied aspects of CLOC’s twelve core competencies (from knowledge management through vendor management to data analytics), and exploring how legal operations professionals can assist in managing current high-profile issues such as GDPR implementation and the application of AI in the legal workplace.

For those unable to attend either event, here is a summary of the key takeaway points from last week.

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REUTERS | Vasily Fedosenko

Bruce Macmillan, Founder Director of The Centre for Legal Leadership, answers questions on the personal development of in-house lawyers.

What are the available options for an experienced in-house lawyer who is considering their next career move (I’ve worked in-house for ten years)?

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