REUTERS | Dominic Ebenbichler

The final report of the Parker Review Committee was published on 12 October 2017. Although the report does not make any concrete proposals in relation to extending its recommendations beyond listed companies, it does contain some practical tools for thinking about diversity that will be of interest to all organisations, not just those directly touched by the report’s recommendations.

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REUTERS | Corbis

Winmark and Clyde & Co recently published the 2017 Looking Glass Report.

The 2017 report focuses on risk management in the context of a risk landscape which is “increasingly complex, uncertain and difficult to read” – and highlights the role of the GC in assisting their organisation to respond to this changing environment.

The report’s findings, based largely on a survey of 100 in-house legal leaders and 18 Board directors, are an interesting snapshot of how GCs and the Board perceive the GC’s role in key areas – and reveal points of significant divergence.

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REUTERS | Dominic Ebenbichler

Key items on the agenda for businesses this month include helping your organisation take action to improve ethnic diversity at leadership level, considering whether to make a voluntary modern slavery statement and continuing to prepare for the GDPR.

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REUTERS | Goran Tomasevic

Transparency International UK (TI) has now launched its new online tool, providing up-to-date and in-depth guidance for businesses in understanding and tackling bribery and corruption. This Global Anti-Bribery Guidance is now live at

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REUTERS | Carlos Barria

Regulatory changes in recent years have led to increasing pressure on companies to ensure they are facilitating and managing the ‘right’ compliance training for their employees.

As scrutiny from regulators continues to grow, the once-a-year training approach is becoming a thing of the past. Organisations are focused on supplementing their core compliance training with additional training in small, specific modules, to ensure their compliance programme is effective and relevant for employees.

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REUTERS | Thomson Reuters

For those wondering how many sleeps are left until the GDPR comes into force, it was confirmed at the sixth annual Thomson Reuters Future of Data Protection Forum, which took place last Thursday, that there were only 161 business days remaining.

With the looming deadline in mind, and a reminder in Ardi Kolah’s introductory address that the new regime is as much about reputation as regulation, business readiness and priorities were key themes of the day, with speakers and delegates sharing practical tips for managing core aspects of the Regulation.

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REUTERS | Luke MacGregor

October’s vlog focuses on preparations for the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Over 70% of respondents to our recent survey on GDPR compliance thought it would necessitate significant changes to some of their business processes but 13% hadn’t yet begun to tackling the task of compliance.

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REUTERS | Kacper Pempel

On the 10th October 2017, Transparency International UK is launching a new free-to-use anti-bribery guidance portal. This flagship guidance presents anti-bribery and corruption best practice for companies, drawing upon expertise from over 120 leading compliance and legal practitioners.

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