REUTERS | Ricardo Moraes

The revised Corporate Governance Code and updated Guidance on the Strategic Report are  due in July. Other key items on the agenda this month include consultations on personal liability for directors for nuisance calls, and on periodic financial information and inside information. Thomson Reuters is also hosting its annual GC Leadership Summit on 3 July 2018.

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REUTERS | Corbis

On 9 June 2018, the UK’s Trade Secrets (Enforcement, etc.) Regulations 2018 (the Regulations) implemented into UK law the 8 June 2016 EU Directive on the protection of undisclosed know-how and business information (trade secrets) against their unlawful acquisition, use and disclosure ((EU) 2016/943) (the Directive).

The Directive aims to harmonise the approach to trade secrets across the EU, which has been inconsistent between member states, with some providing a high level of protection for confidential information and others none at all. The Directive ensures businesses benefit from a minimum standard of protection against the misuse of their trade secrets by preventing the unlawful acquisition, use or disclosure of trade secrets, and banning any dealings in goods which result from trade secrets theft.

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REUTERS | Nikola Solic

Robert Ivens, a member of The Centre for Legal Leadership Advisory Panel, answers questions on the personal development of in-house lawyers.

Do you have any tips for a senior lawyer who has worked in-house for the majority of their career and is now looking for a new challenge?

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REUTERS | Kacper Pempel

Lawyers aren’t known for their passion for change. However, driven by the awareness of the accelerating pace of technological change facing the legal market, Allen & Overy (A&O) launched Fuse in September 2017 to provide a venue for tech companies, A&O lawyers, technologists and clients to collaborate, develop and test legal, regulatory and deal-related solutions.

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REUTERS | Christian Charisius

Doing more with less has been the rallying cry of the in-house world for over ten years. The challenge of increasing regulation and decreasing budgets has never gone away and is now our permanent state.

But doing more with less feels impossible when your desk is permanently swamped with work. Firefighting gets in the way of thinking strategically and thinking differently. Most teams can still make big efficiency improvements but it requires painful self-reflection about the real value of a lawyer and equally hard decisions.

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REUTERS | Denis Balibouse

The European Union (Withdrawal) Bill 2017-19 completed its passage through the House of Lords this month. The Department for Exiting the European Union and the European Commission also jointly published a document setting out the topics for discussion in the negotiations on the framework for the future UK-EU relationship.

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REUTERS | Luke MacGregor

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became directly applicable across the EU today. Companies will be continuing to digest the raft of new and updated guidance on the GDPR that the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) published in the run-up to the implementation date.

Other items on the agenda for businesses this month include the expected publication of secondary legislation on corporate governance and the Financial Reporting Council’s (FRC) launch of a consultation on the Large Private Companies Code.

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REUTERS | Gene Blevins

Diversity, whether gender, ethnic or cultural, is an increasingly high profile issue for organisations.  But how can organisations be convinced to implement the changes required to ensure diversity?

The persuasive economic and business case for embracing diversity often leads back to a 2015 report by McKinsey & Company, which was updated earlier this year. The statistics and analysis in that report provide a useful tool for gaining attention from executive teams and planning how an organisation can respond postively and effectively to diversity-related measures. The updated report, summarised in this blog, offers fresh confirmation that supporting diversity makes sense for organisations in every respect.

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